Friday, October 15, 2010

In Loving Memory of a Unconditional Loving Father & Hero

Many of you may know my dad as your friend, as a co-worker, a brother, a son, a cousin, an uncle, and so the list may go on! A man plays many roles and wears many hats, as do the women. My father took up the responsiblity of many roles and did the best he did. But through everything he's done, there are three specifics that I can truly see my dad well accomplished in life, on forth to his passing!

He was an extraordinary Chief. He loved his family and sacrificed the well being of his own imediate family so that the Afo's as a whole may be well thought of and taken care of. He wasn't a man that ordered and strictly gave instructions with hostility. But lead those under him with compassion, love, and God given wisdom. His priority was that each and every person was equal and satisfied and in good terms that were agreeable when it came to fa'alavelave's and the decision making. But he also had a firm hand to do what was right even when others looked otherwise. He taught me to be a great leader and that your neighbor on your left is the same as your neighbor on your right. He taught me to see beyond the circumstance and to be strong willed yet open minded when it came to others.

Daddy was the ideal DAD! The perfect dad! What every child would love to have in a Father. He took care of his own and made sure that even if we didn't have the world.... the love and respect and honesty and true intimacy of his heart made us feel we owned the universe and that heaven was just around the corner. My relationship with my father was so intimate that because I knew he was my father, I didn't have to worry about things or be ashamed of who I was. I felt 10 feet tall cause dad loved me like that! I could always talk to him about anything and everything and though he didn't understand at times, he would always make sure to let me know that he was listening. He made sure to always tell us his children and to always remind us that he loved us. Not every man can do that for his children. Daddy wasn't just any man. He was a man with a big humungous heart with infinite love!

My father was the perfect husband to our mother. He loved her with every bit of his soul and heart. How do I know? He told me himself! When mama would get sick, he'd be so worried and stressed because He wouldn't know what to do if he lost her! Mama always said that he was the love of her life! Their bond and relationship as husband and wife, as I've seen day in and day out spending time with them was an incredible and priceless love. To his death they were together, to his last breath, mama was by his side!

Daddy left a great big picture of what a man should be, not only to the world, but to his own family. Everyday I begin to see my dad in me and everything he taught me has come into remembrance and sometimes it makes me cry cause I start to miss him, and sometimes it makes me smile because I start to remember his handsome smile and it warms me. In my life right now i feel the void of his manly love and protection, but I remember how daddy always says to let God be that core for me and I'll never feel that void again. And so I am doing as he has always said and bit by bit God is mending that broken heart!

I love you dad! Thank you for such great memories that bring peace to my soul. You lived a life that was well lived! I only pray that I can be half the person you were to all of us and to others!! You are my heart and soul, my hero and confidant, my music man that taught me everything I know and left it embedded in me. For that... I am grateful!

I'll see you heaven... till then... I will make you proud!! I LOVE YOU....

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I love to write... wether it be music or everyday life moments!! I love the Lord as much as the air I breathe.. HE is my source of strength and my way to LIFE ABUNDANTLY.