Sometimes its hard to think
When everything around me is loud
I try my best to hear your voice
And remember its sweet sound
I give up too easily
With no patience to yield
Constantly looking beyond
This grassy, defiled field
This hole I've dug so deep
Has, in return, caught me in its trap
I fall to my knees in rapid tears
Thinking of the best I used to have
Its dark, cold, and intense loneliness
Hovers fully over me
My vision is blur to any kind of light
And makes it hard to see
Then suddenly from afar I hear the voice
In which I haven't heard for so long
The voice of the One I've been searching for
Who's words protray a mending song
The One with whom I once walked with
He's the one I've cried for
He's the one that carried me throughout these years
And brought me back to shore
I was weak, but He was always strong
I never could understand His strength
But I stepped out in faith, trusting Him
I just knew that He would lead the way
As His voice got closer and familiar
I began to call, "Help, me please"
I was quickly lifted from the mirey pit
And my mind and heart put to ease
He dust the mangy dirt off of me
He went on till I was clean and pure
He wiped the tears from my weary eyes
And my soul was reassured
Now I fly on eagles wings
Soaring high above the overgrown grass
My breath skips a incredible tune
Singing I am free at last
You never fail me, no
And I've come to accept the fact
That though I mess up many times
You always want me back
Because I belong to you always
I am the apple of your eye
Help me to never let you go
Now in your arms, Relief, I quietly sigh
God is truly amazing!!